Friday, July 23, 2010

Taking a Walk with Sparky

Almost everyday Sparky and I take a walk. There's something new to see everyday, like this back end of a bluebird! I was trying to be quick and not startle anyone, but I guess I could have framed the shot a little better!

We have a path that M mows for us that goes around the perimeter of the property at the top and bottom and crosses in the middle like a big figure 8. First we go through kind of a wooded area that is near to our close neighbor.

Those neighbors just got a bunch of chickens. Any day now they'll be old enough to start laying and we'll be able to buy cage-free next-door eggs. Sparky was extremely interested in the chickens at first, and we became more conscientious about keeping the gate shut.

The path comes out of the woods when we get to the pond. This is when Sparky usually veers off the path for a dip. You can see a dog's eye view of our walk at

The spider lilies are blooming now, bigger than last year. I'm looking forward to when the clumps get huge and look really showy.

We have lots of altheas (Rose of Sharon) growing all over the yard, and several by the edge of the pond. I love all the different colors...

...but I think this white with the red center is my favorite variety.

I thought these little gingers had been killed by the freeze; they were SO late in emerging from the ground. Now they are blooming and happy with the rain we've had, so I guess they're pretty tough little plants.

I have several red Turk's Caps (Malvaviscus arboreus) and last fall I planted white ones. Isn't the little bloom cute? They do great in the shade which is mostly what we have close to the house. I thought the little white blooms would help light up a wooded area with heavy shade. Hummingbirds and butterflies love the red ones; I haven't noticed them on the white.
I do have some areas with sun but they're further from the house. In one area I've planted mostly wildflowers like these Liatris, commonly called gayfeather.

My very favorite wildflowers are the bluebells. I didn't plant them; they were here. They are kind of persnickety! One year, I think it was 2006, we had 3 fields full. I've never seen anything like it anywhere -- seriously, I think we had the best display in Montgomery County! And ever since -- just a few here and there. I'm hoping some year they will come back like 2006 but I guess it will require the exact right combination of sun and rain at optimum times.

Sparky's not so much into flowers thankfully, but he's always sniffing something! When we get back to the house he likes to drink too much water and slobber on me and then chill on the porch.
This morning I'm leaving for West Texas by way of Austin, Wimberly, and San Angelo. Ann Marie and I will be staying at their cabin in the Davis Mountains, and making side trips to Fort Davis, Marfa, Alpine, and other places of interest. I should have great pics to post when I get back!
I'm leaving my boys here -- hope they can stay out of trouble! Love you M and Sparky!


Sparky said...

Nice post C, especially the first and last pics! We take walks "almost everyday?" That must mean we're takin' one tomorrow! If ya get hot -- just jump in the pond! XXX Sparky

Modred Vintage said...

Enjoy your trip. The path you take for your morning walks looks beautiful.